Through this Ethics Hotline, Goodwill of Silicon Valley maintains a “Zero Tolerance” position in regards to unethical, illegal, dishonest or inappropriate behaviors at any of its retail locations, donation centers or at headquarters. Employees, donors, and shoppers may report this information to any available supervisor, the Vice President of Human Resources, or the CEO. An Ethics Hotline is also available as a resource to confidentially report violations. The Ethics Hotline is administered by an independent third party who will receive the issue and forward it to the CEO and Vice President of Human Resources.
The person making the report is not required to identify himself/herself unless they wish to do so. Employees, donors, and shoppers are encouraged to use the hotline whenever necessary and to provide as much information as possible regarding the issue. This will help Goodwill of Silicon Valley management to best determine the actions required. Again, the toll free number is 888-569-9932 .
GWSV does not tolerate retaliation for providing information and/or participating in an investigation. If you believe you are experiencing retaliation in any form, please contact the Vice President of Human Resources.
Goodwill of Silicon Valley’s Ethics Hotline is a reporting system that allows employees, volunteers, clients, and other stakeholders to report any ethical concerns they may have about the organization’s operations or the conduct of its staff. The Ethics Hotline is a confidential and anonymous reporting system, ensuring that individuals can report any issues without fear of retaliation.
Goodwill of Silicon Valley’s Ethics Hotline is an essential component of the organization’s commitment to ethical conduct. It provides a safe and secure channel for employees and other stakeholders to report any concerns they may have about the organization’s operations, including issues related to financial improprieties, conflicts of interest, or any other violations of the organization’s ethical standards.
It is also an important tool for Goodwill of Silicon Valley’s management team to identify areas where the organization may need to improve its policies or procedures to prevent future ethical lapses. By analyzing the reports received through the Ethics Hotline, the organization can identify patterns or trends that may indicate systemic issues that need to be addressed.